Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investments provide research-driven, diversified equity portfolios that seek to identify well-managed, responsible companies.

ESG means different things to different people. However, we see the objectives of investors converging around three main categories.


Incorporate ESG factors to improve long-term return and lower investment risk.

Personal Values

Align investments with specific ethical, political, and religious values.

Positive Impact

Generate social or environmental outcomes along with financial returns.

Examples of ESG Issues:


Climate Change and Carbon Emissions
Air and Water Pollution
Energy Efficiency
Waste Management
Water Scarcity
Biodiversity and Deforestation


Gender and Diversity Issues
Human Rights
Labor Standards
Employee Engagement
Customer Satisfaction
Community Relations


Board Composition
Executive Composition
Audit Committee Structure
Bribery and Corruption Policies
Lobbying Activities
Political Contributions